3rd post : the iphone
'kay, gotta talk about something a bit more current.
Beyond the huge buzz this baby has created, it's been long since a device has generated this kind of geek lust. Pretty much everybody I know wants one. That doesn't mean much, everybody I knew back then wanted a BeBox too. OK, I'm screwing around here, Be never had a chance from the start. If a large company had introduced the BeBox, that would have been another story.
Anyway, some random thoughts :
- the price : doesn't seem that excessive to me, that's what I paid for my Treo 600 2 years ago
- said Treo looked desperately outfashioned, obsolete, OLD, the minute I saw it featured along with the Blackberry and other smartphones against the iphone during the keynote. Seriously, never before have I seen a piece of hardware go from "a bit used, but still current" to "paperweight" in an instant, right in front of my eyes. Creepy.
- the touchscreen. I'll have to try it before I get an opinion on this one. The Treo keyboard is adequate, I don't think I've ever used a touchscreen as a keyboard for any kind of prolonged use before. You might ask, do people really go into hour-long texting/mailing sessions often anyway ? It seems the answer is affirmative. I trust Apple to have given this one some careful thought, though.
One more thing... Enough with the 'iphone shuffle' jokes already :-).