A few more iphone tidbits
Two days with the iphone
got an iphone...
KMail's brain-damaged filtering system
The Death of the Music Industry (not)
iphone/ipod touch becoming the next universal remote ?
Linux poised to make a splash on the desktop, like, really soon now. Seriously.
More info on git from Linus
Canon 40D announced at last
svn merge sucks
One or two things I wish I had known before starting macro photography
Nabaztag or chumby ?
Eyeballs are a still a scarce ressource
Assorted iPhone items
On Management
Myspace, "worse is better"
Downside of choices, redux
Spamming, 15 years on
Concert Photography 101
No choice is bad, some choice is good, more choice is ... ?
Miguel has finally seen the light :-)
more on ajax and web UIs
Poisonous users, a live example
Free software as a political paradox
on software testing
Nabaztag ? Not just yet.
Ajax sux
Steve Jobs on DRMs
funny old google puzzle
On how GUI toolkits need more than a good language to be great
e-paper is coming ? (really ?)
social networking galore
3rd post : the iphone
2nd post, the alibi
First post, first rant :-p